Make sure your business vehicle wrap is money well spent by ensuring that it incorporates these key features of an effective design.

Fleet vehicle wrapping can be one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising out there, think about when you’re out and about and you see a car in a non-standard colour, it will almost always catch your eye. Now think about if that standout colour has your company name in front of it, people will remember that.

However, it’s not just as simple as slapping a business name over some luminescent shade of green and expecting people to remember you for time immemorial. It needs to be done with quality to convey the correct message and brand.

So we’ve put together a short list for you to consider before you get your brand new T2 wrapped in some wacky design. Stick to these fundamentals and you can’t go far wrong.

Easily legible

Not everyone has eagle eyes! Remember that many of the people viewing your message will be doing so from another vehicle, often from 20+ metres (unless they’re in a BMW) so it needs to be easy to read from some distance away.  Think about what colour combination will make improve contrast to make the text easiest to see from afar, don’t go putting white lettering on a gray wrap.  If it’s not easy to read, your message will reach far fewer people than it has the potential to.


Your message doesn’t only need to be easy to read, it needs to be easy to understand too. Making the mistake of putting 1 million details and every single product every conceived by a tradesman on a car is a mistake a good deal of people make. Think about someone passing you (or being passed) will they be able to read your message and get the gist quickly? Think about what you want to say. Who are you, what do you do, and where are you located?  Make sure it’s clear what your business does at a glance.

Contact details

So, people can read and understand your message, now how do they get in touch?  Your primary contact details should be prominent on both the sides and the back of the vehicle to make it easy for people to note them down in a rush. But don’t worry too much, make sure your name takes pride of place so people can find you via search later (because who has the skill to make a note of a number when you’re driving!) And make sure you’re not one of those people who puts social logos on with no handles!

Strong, professional branding

If your business doesn’t yet have a professional logo or branding, then now is the time to get it done, before you get your vehicle wrapped. And make sure it isn’t going to change, a lot of unfortunate instances come from people paying for professional wraps only to have the branding change a month later!

Unprofessional branding on advertising can have the opposite effect desired and put people off. Look at it this way, if you’re a builder with a logo that’s half-hearted then people will make the assumption that everything you do is a half-job, even if that’s not true.

You’ll get better results from your wrap if your branding is professionally designed and eye-catching.

Keep it simple

Finally, keep it simple. Avoid overcomplicating things as this can confuse or lose your message. Not only will it keep the cost down, but it’ll make your message easier to read, better looking and overall more useful.

Keep your design clean, simple, and bold to give it maximum impact.

Discuss your vinyl wrap requirements and vision with one of our experts here at Wraps and Tints by giving us a call on 07581 250 250.  Whether you’re looking for a simple logo or a more complex design, we can create a bespoke graphic that will get your vehicle noticed out on the road.


Wraps and Tints Ltd
Unit 6 & 7 Tracey’s Industrial Estate
Wigan Road
PR25 5UA

Telephone: 07581 250250
E-Mail: [email protected]